Just past the Caloundra turn-off we took a left into a some lush green rural area. We should have paid more attention to the wiggly road on the map. We suffered through the next 20 kms and we rode over a succession of short steep rises.It was beautiful countryside but our legs were suffering. At 1 point we came to a sign that showed a 14% climb. We both were convinced that rise was nothing compared to the hills we had rode over earlier.
On way into Nambour we saw the Tour De Cure peloton going the other way. There were about 40 of them, their yellow jersey gave me a wave but I couldn't see if it was anyone important. "Beretts" from Sunrise is on the ride so it is on the TV every morning. A number of people have asked if we are part of that. Of course we aren't. They are doing it easy, not having to carry any gear and being able to draft means that they are just cruising compared to us.
By lunch time we passed Cooroy, sun was hot and we needed a recharge so decided to take a break at the top of Black Mountain. Had lunch in bus shelter and discovered we were both running short of water so we were forced to detour to down a steep hill to Pomona. Couldn't find any taps so Tony asked in a Landscape Supplies shop and we were able to get water there.
Fortunately there was another road back to the highway because we didn't fancy climbing back up the hill. The rest of the afternoon was on the highway until Gympie. Stopped in a Roadside Service Centre about 10 kms out and bought some drinks and went to the Tourist Information office. Sheila helped out with directions to a Rest Stop with free camping just the other side of Gympie. Purchased our dinner on the way through and finally reached Chatsworth Park.
We were at the roadside stop at Chatsworth Park about 4:00 and then watched all the other travellers roll in. Met Bruce and Judy who are towing their caravan around. Judy made us a cups of tea and cheese and biscuits we sat and had a long chat. Great to meet you both and we may see you again on the road.
The Blog is excellent guys...you are getting lots of followers! Say hello to the people in my town as you pass through...